Monday, April 19, 2010

The Two-Cherries

So first i thought i would explain the name "two-cherries". All of our friends call us the two-cherries instead of our last name Tocheri. Which is pronounced two-share-ee, for all of you that don't know that :) I'm so excited to blog! Marcus bought me a new camera so i can take lots and lots of pictures!!! Now i just need to remember to BRING the camera on all of our little adventures :)


  1. YIPEE a blog.....I will check it ALL of the time!! If you want to change you background you can go to my blog on the side to FREE BACKGROUNDS and choose your favorite!!! Love you guys!!

  2. I also will check it all the time (just ask your sisters how often I check theirs). Before long you will be a camera carring fool.

  3. I too will check it all the time ... notice a pattern here. That means you must update often. As crazy as my life is, I love keeping in touch with you guys. Blogging is perfect cause I get to see pictures and here the story behind them. Love you! I will pimp your blog when I come up next! ;)
