Thursday, April 29, 2010

English project

so for english we were asigned to make a project. we had to have 10 syllables per line and each two lines had to rhyme. it was SOO difficult and i worked really hard on it. The winner got to be exempt from the test and...i didn't win...BUT the teacher loved mine so much she said i didn't have to take the test! here is the video for all of you that are interested :) it's actually quite silly


  1. This is great, I am glad that we could help you NOT have to take the test!! HE HE HE!! YOu are in an amazing gene pool!! ( YEP don't know how to spell that one.)

  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA this is too funny!! I love how for the credits you used the song we made for your other video! CLASSIC! Miss you! Love you! (:

  3. Wow that is quite the poem!! I am glad I never had to do a project like that in high-school! Good job. Looks like you definitely earned the free test!
